An ecological reserve in the Amazon

Agteca  is helping preserve the El Carmen and El Choare nature reserves located 90 km south of the Amazonian city of Riberalta, Bolivia.  This region offers a unique mixture of Amazonian savannas and forests.  The land is vunerable to logging and over grazing due to direct access by road.   Wildlife in the reserve includes panthers "tigres", capibaras, monkeys, and a range of other animals.  A unique bird species (Martin Pescador) has also been discovered in these lands.

El Carmen:  This part of the reserve has the largest portion of natural savanna lands and is bordered by the Geneshuaya river. Due to Bolivian Law, which requires the land to be socially and economically productive, a system of sparce ranching has been implemented in the savannas.  A balance for the sustainability of the natural savannas is maintained by adequately managing the number of cows allowed to graze in some parts of the savanna.  Read more in the document below:

Introduction to El Carmen in PDF (in Spanish)

El Carmen - Savannas Rio Geneshuaya

El Choare: This part of the reserve is covered in tall forests.  An effort is on the way to declare El Choare a nature Reserve with selective extractivism.  The forest is preserved as is, while allowing the selective extraction of products such as Brazil nuts.  Read more in the documents below:

Introduction to El Choare in Adobe PDF (in Spanish)

Management plan for El Choare (in Spanish)

Interested in doing research in this region?  Please contact us at